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Threat Patrols Projects

Threat Patrols Actions

Threat Patrols Actions (TPAS) is our primary open-source framework for SecOps automation turning security-practitioners into security automation super-heroes.

Threat Patrols Actions are well known tools that have been containerized, are kept up-to-date and wrapped with callback features that makes their use in continuous security automation pipelines a delight.

  • Want to run <favorite security tool here> on a regular basis, store the results in a S3-bucket, get a Slack-notification and send the results to some other workflow? TPAS makes this easy.

  • Want to use <favorite security tool here> as a simple Github Action definition and send results to another workflow? TPAS makes this easy.

  • Want a ready-to-go API endpoint to invoke <favorite security tool here> with background tasks and callbacks? TPAS makes this really easy.

OPNsense Resources

Threat Patrols really loves OPNsense, and we produce and support resources for it.

  • Autossh: an OPNsense plugin that wraps the well-known autossh package for maintaining and keeping alive outbound SSH tunnels.
  • Configuration Sync: an OPNsense plugin that saves all system configurations changes to an S3 bucket that ensures off-system config backup.
  • Cloudflare Mirror: we provide an OPNsense mirror that is backed by Cloudflare CDN using a CF worker, some caching and a requests to origin.

Env Alias

Env Alias is a tool we had always wanted for improving operational security when working with environment variables that frequently contain sensitive secrets. Env-alias makes it fast and practical to store sensitive variables in password vaults and load them just-in-time for specific tasks.

Provides bonus special handling for Keepass and Ansible Vault Password files but most vaults should be adaptable.

HIBP Downloader

HIBP Downloader is a CLI tool to efficiently download a local copy of the pwned password hash data from the very awesome HIBP pwned passwords api-endpoint using all the good bits; multiprocessing, async-processes, local-caching, content-etags and http2-connection pooling to (probably) make things as fast as is Python-ly possible.


HLID: a Human Lexicographically (sortable) identifier that borrows similar concepts from -

  • ULID (Universally-Unique, Lexicographically-Sortable Identifier) -
  • UUID7 (Time-ordered UUID with millisecond precision) -

HLIDs can be swapped with UUID-type or ULID-type values, and we use them among our tooling as we find them really very useful when dealing with data that updates over time.

Fresh Resolvers

Provides daily up-to-date lists of reliable public DNS resolvers using source-data from filtered for -

  • servers that pass DNS Validator for correctness.
  • servers that have high reported uptime.
  • servers that support DNSSEC.

Docker Containers

Threat Patrols produces a good many containers for TPAS where we use the Github container repo to make those containers available.

Additionally, we maintain a collection of other Docker containers via Docker Hub. A sample of these -

  • threatpatrols/sshjumphost - much as the name suggests, a container for easily deploying an SSH jumphost (bastion host) using environment variables for setup and configuration.
  • threatpatrols/autossh - Autossh with pre-command injection useful for declaring container routes before autossh is invoked.
  • threatpatrols/cfwarp-syncthing - Run an instance of Syncthing in Docker with traffic via Cloudflare WARP.
  • threatpatrols/gophish-ducknweave - Provides a dockerized Gophish instance with updates and modifications to avoid common spam/phish filtering triggers.

We publish plenty of others too, please check the Docker Hub repo.